Monday, January 23, 2012

3rd grade Learning Styles

I recently completed a 3rd grade classroom guidance lesson where we discussed and identified learning styles. We first discussed the connection between learning styles and academic success. I asked the students, "Do you ever spend time studying and for whatever reason feel like the information sometimes just doesn't stick? If so then maybe you aren't using your learning style to help you remember the information." The students watched a Streamline video clip called, Everyone Learns in a Different Way. We identified the three main learning styles, what they mean, and examples from each. We then played a game from the Small Group Counseling for Children (grades 2-5) book where students heard questions and selected one of the three answers that was most like them: the eye card (visual learner), ear card (auditory learner), or hand card (kinesthetic learner). At the end of the activity whichever card they had the most of was their identified learning style. Students then completed an activity sheet I made for them where they circled their learning style and two or three strategies they would use the next time they were trying to learn/remember new information.


  1. Ooooo, I have this book but I've never used it . . . sounds like the PERFECT way to launch small groups this semester - thanks!!


  2. Barbara,

    Isn't it amazing how we often have so many resources that we forget about, can't wait to hear more about your groups!

